Offering Moral Injury Education and Recovery Services
The Shay Moral Injury Center at Volunteers of America is dedicated to education and research on moral distress and moral injury and to the creation of recovery strategies that are contextual, adaptable, and scalable. We implement recovery strategies in partnership with VOA Affiliates, as well as other organizations, communities, and institutions. We educate professionals in diverse fields, including chaplaincy, social services, mental health, healthcare, spiritual care, and ministry.
What is moral injury?
Moral injury is the suffering people experience when we are in high-stakes situations, things go wrong, and harm results. The suffering is grounded in our moral conscience, which struggles to make sense of devastating experiences that challenge our identities, deepest moral codes, and ability to trust in others or ourselves. The harm may be something we did, something we witnessed, something we failed to prevent, or something that was done to us. It results in moral emotions such as shame, guilt, outrage, and sorrow, and withdrawal from significant relationships.

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