Newport News YouthBuild
VOA Chesapeake and Carolinas Workforce Development
Newport News YouthBuild provides young people ages 16 – 24 the education and hands-on training they need for in-demand careers.
YouthBuild Director Dan Carrera participates in a National Association of Workforce Development Professionals seminar
Newport News YouthBuild (NNYB) is a program supported by Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas (VOACC), the City of Newport News, VA., and The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The program is located at the Four Oaks Day Service Center at 7401 Warwick Boulevard in Newport News. Through the YouthBuild program, young people acquire the skills they need to obtain a great job and keep it.
YouthBuild participants earn money while they get valuable hands-on experience building quality houses. They will gain work-based education including vocational and basic academic skills training that leads to industry-recognized credentials, employment placement, or apprenticeships, and prepare them for post-secondary education programs. The program lasts six months with follow-up supportive services for a period of one year.
Youth who are justice-involved or need additional support overcoming barriers to their success can also access our reentry services, mental health services, and gun violence prevention & intervention programming.
Learn more about YouthBuild’s Second Chance for Youth Reentry and Peacekeepers programs
Why Should YOU Apply?
Our YouthBuild program offers an education and construction training program built on the five core elements of our model — plus love:
- Education
- Career Pathways
- Support Services
- Leadership Development
- Alumni Success
Not less than age 16 and not more than age 24, on the date of enrollment AND be one or more of the following:
- A member of a low-income family AND/OR
- A youth in foster care (including youth aging out of foster care) AND/OR
- A youth offender AND/OR
- A youth with a disability AND/OR
- The child of an incarcerated parent AND/OR
- A migrant youth AND a school dropout.
Up to 25% of youth in the program who do not meet the above requirements may participate provided that they are:
- Basic skills deficient, even if they have their high school diploma or GED OR
- Have been referred by a local secondary school to a YouthBuild program leading to the attainment of a secondary school diploma.
How to Apply
Click the button below to learn more and complete our enrollment form! All forms must be emailed to
Newport News YouthBuild provides a second chance to youth from low-income areas in and around Newport News, VA. Youths earn as they learn and are placed into in-demand careers by the end of the program. Thanks to givers of hope like you, the program also helps youth in need overcome trauma, address gun violence, and transition home from the justice system.
While the majority of the program is funded through the U.S. Department of Labor and the City of Newport News, this support doesn’t fully cover what it costs to provide life-changing training and support to students.
You can be the reason a young man or woman can start an exciting new career and escape poverty for good by giving to the Newport News YouthBuild today!
Get to know YouthBuild
YouthBuild will begin again on January 9, 2023!
To register contact Taniqua Norman at 757.386.5922 or
The following documents must be submitted with your application:
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate for self and each child
- Driver’s License or Picture ID
- Copy of High School Diploma, GED or High School Transcript (In-School)
- Court documentation re: Guardianship (if applicable)
- Proof of residency. If the address is not correct on the License or ID, a Utility bill, DSS letter/records, Medicaid/Medicare card, Lease, etc. can be used
- The last three pay stubs of all jobs worked within the past six months
- Documentation of any and all income being received by each family member, i.e., Unemployment Compensation, Child Support, Alimony, Social Security Benefits, Retirement/Pension Benefits, Veterans Disability
- Public Assistance documentation, if applicable (Food Stamps [SNAP], TANF, SSI, etc.)
- Selective Service registration card for males over the age of 17 years 11 months
If you do not have all of these documents, we can still work with you! Reach out to us to learn more.
To learn more, please contact us
Phone: (757) 386-5922 or Email: