Nakiesha Brockers dreams of being a chef one day, and with the skills she’s learning now from our YouthBuild program, she’ll literally be able to build her kitchen from the ground up.
For this 20 year old, originally from North Carolina, the YouthBuild program has helped her realize that it’s not too late to keep learning.
“At my age since I didn’t graduate high school, I just assumed I was past the point of getting an education.”

Nakiesha is currently in a class with 9 other students (only one other female) in the YouthBuild program’s 6th cohort, and like many other past and present students, she is learning much more than she probably even imagined.
“My classmates are great and this is a good environment to learn.” She says. “We push each other because we’re very competitive.”
She is almost complete with her GED, working on getting a driver’s license and recently certified in CPR but she has begun learning the trade skills that can make her highly marketable and qualified to not only build her kitchen, but others as well.